Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thanks to All

I just wanted to thank everyone who helped with Todd and Heathers open house on Saturday. They told me when we started planning to have it at the park that I should have an alternate plan in case of rain. It never rains in St. George was of course my comment. I checked the weather every day and it changed as often as I checked it. Well we all saw what happened that the rains and the winds did come. Thank goodness to the great best man Thomas who came and saved the day by finding a place to go inside. It all turned out great and I am grateful to all of you who pitched in and helped so much. It was a great day to be among friends and family. Now that all of children are married I don't know what the next step is other than loving all of the grandkids and their parents. Thank you Todd and Heather for the special day that you gave us the chance to share with you in the Temple. To have each one of our children there is really the greatest blessing that there is to us. We are truly blessed with the best children and your spouses that we could have. Who would ever have thought back on that day of June 10, 1977 that we would today end up with a family of twenty-five. And I am sure that the total will continue to increase (Hint- Hint Meagan and Heather).