Sunday, May 31, 2009

"We're all Alone"

It has been a week since Tammy and the kids left Bunkerville. I hate to admit it but it was really hard to see them leave. I am sure that the boys are excited that they can now truly become a true "BYU Zoobie". We may at times need to bring them back to Bunkerville to help them to avoid the indoctrination that takes place in Happy Valley. They begin to believe that there is no other team other than "The Cougars". ( I have no idea where that comes from, do you Chris?). We really have missed having them with us here at home. I don't get to watch Scooby-Doo, or Tom and Jerry or Land Before Time any more. I have never been in a house that is this quiet. It is not fun to come home from work early because there is no one here to play with. Thank you Tammy and Chris for letting us enjoy these last months with you and your family and watching your special family grow and just being able to spend Grandpa and Grandma time with them.
We are looking forward to next weekend to be with family for the blessings of two more Grandchildren. We are going to leave as soon as we get through at the Temple. We will pick up Jimmy and Meagan and Todd and Heather in Cedar City then we will be on our way north. We are going to go to the Oquirhh Mountain Temple Open House that night and than I think we are going to go all the way to Logan and meet Grandpa and Grandma Allen there and share a couple of Motel rooms with them that night. Then Sunday I guess we will just go from church to church to be with all of you.
As far as when we are going to Denver, I am really not sure. We may leave as early as Monday if I don't have alot of work. We will be going in the truck so if you need us to bring anything let me know. I am going to bring table and chairs and our bikes. We are anxiously awaiting the reunion.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Its wakeboard time!!!!

This is a quick note to all interested in going back to the lake again this year. As usual I will need to make a few repairs on the boat and one of them is to replace the covers. The sun has pretty well rotted them. If anyone has any extra centavos sitting around it would help to be able to get them replaced. The boat will be in St. George starting this week and will be available to use when you want to. I would really like to go to Lake Powell at least once this year. So lets make some plans. Maybe we could stay with Bashful Bob.