Monday, December 8, 2008

I would like each one of you to please write down some memories that you have of Grandma Geddes for me, I need your memories to help me with my talk at Grandmas Funeral. Just so you all remember the Funeral will be this Saturday the 13th at Noon the viewing will be at 11:00. The funeral home is called Wasatch Lawn Memorial it is on Highland Drive and about 33rd south.
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Gary and Mauri said...

The many memories and it all started with her taking good care of that car and give it to us to be able to use!
I also remember always getting a christmas card/book from Grandma Geddes every year. She would write a very personalized message and it really meant a lot to me and I looked forward to it every year.
I remember attending Grandma's 80th birthday party and seeing many of my cousins I have never seen before.
Lastly, The love and effection she showed everytime we would visit and spend time with her was unconditional. She loved to visit and she seemed to be so excited to see each of us!

tam said...

Well it is kind of hard to say much after Gary's remarks! He pretty much summed up a lot of the memories with Grandma Geddes! I remember when Grandma and I drove away with the Maverick! We were sure excited to take the car and like Gary said it was kept so nice, until the Allen boys got a hold of it!! She would always ask us about it too!

I remember everytime we left Grandma's she would stand in the window and wave at us. It was my favorite thing to see her smiling and waving as we went on our way.

I had fun visiting her in the apartment and she always made us feel welcome and she remembered everything about us. It was fun to see her face light up when we would visit her and we always felt of her love!